Monday, September 30, 2013

From Santiago to La Serena

La Serena is another important destination in Chile with much to offer in terms of outdoor, coastal life and star-watching at its numerous observatories. It is hard to miss, but you have to keep in mind to plan to stay for some days to fully enjoy the stunning environment and nature surrounding La Serena. The road from Santiago is a long, but (unless road constructions) easy ride.

I managed to to fall over though. The height of my bike (or the short length of my own limbs) still make it tricky at times to manoeuvre getting on and off the bike. At this point, I was about to get off to take a break and stopped at an unfavourable inclination, which led to her falling over with bags and everything.

I thereafter had to take off the fist-cover, as it was interfering with my front-break. While trying to fix this a truck stopped on the other side of the highway, and a friendly Chilean (with 36 years of experience) offered to help me out. Moreover, he shared some very important advice, some I guess I conveniently have neglected. - Tools to fix a flat tire among the more important things. ... : / jeje

I will post a summary of my experiences, mistakes, and things to keep in mind regarding motorbikes, maintenance, and equipment  needed!

The rest of the way passed by without any issues. You need to keep in mind your gas-status because there is just over 100 km between some of the gas stations. When I hit the coast line, the wind grew significantly in strength and surprised me at times with strong cast-winds. It was more of an annoyance than anything else.

Long stretches of nothing but wind and windmills! :)

1 comment:

Mattias Thisner said...

A list like that would be very nice to have IMO.