Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Uruguayan Coast - Punta del Diablo

03 Mar 2015
3,870 - 3,930 km
Capo Polonio

The next stop was Punta del Diablo, more of a smaller coastal-fisherman town with an extensive amount of cabins to rent for its huge summer season. My idea was that we bought up to food supplies and spent the night a few km outside the town in camping area. Also, I had a friend that worked in a restaurant.  But what seem to be the norm, things did not turn out as planned, ... and this time definitely for the better!

When we arrived in the late afternoon, we did a loop down by the beach to see a bit of the small town, the fisherman boasts, the endless ocean, and the beautiful beaches. When we were back where we had started, we past a supermarket to buy the groceries. Closed! Ha!, alright lets go back to the town. Open, but we were recommended not to go camping, people were not sure its was actually open. (Im sure it is open!) While we were talking, one of the clients in the store offered to show us to his friends house, who was renting out cabins.

Alright, what to do ... time to make decisions (while everyone is watching and waiting!...poker face!!).
"Ok! Lets go and see about the cabin".

It was not a terrible idea! It was fairly priced and we had the cabin for ourselves with a kitchen and double bed. We found out later that we were just a few blocks away from the restaurant where my friend worked too, and we settled on meeting up the following day! I took the time to look over the bike, we cooked and enjoyed an evening just the two of us.

The next day we spent checking out the village and later drinking some mate down on the beach with the panoramic view of the Atlantic ocean, its waves, and the aroma of salt water. Later in the afternoon we met up with my friend Bibbo and his room mate Marcelo. 

Together we enjoyed the last hours of sun light on the beach with a few beers and lots of catching up from the time we lived together on a hostel in Montevideo (3 years earlier)!

We could not decline the invitation of dining at the restaurant where he worked. He co-owned the restaurant with a lovely French couple, who together shared all the work load. We felt right at home and after a delicious and elaborate plate, desert and and bottle of wine, we were offered a grapa locally produced! 


The night continued after closing hour at their place just a few blocks away, and it was almost sun rise when we finally got back to our place! 

We were bound to stay another day!! 

On the afternoon when we hung out at their place in the porch with hammocks hung up all around, the son of Marcelo came back with some friends who had a pup they were trying to find a new owner for.

It did not take more than a few second before Kimba was named and adopted on the spot. 
A beautiful dog!

We spent more time with Marcelo and Bibbo and hung out at the restaurant. The following day the forecast was rain all day, so we spent yet another day in the beautiful Punta del Este. As it was definitely going to be the last night, we prepared an "Asado" (South American BBQ), masterly prepared by Marcelo himself!

We were not eager to leave after such fantastic days with amazing people! But Brasil was waiting!


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