Monday, October 20, 2014

National Park Ushuaia

Way over-due, but now I have finally been. It was not the most promising day, but the harsh wind, the gloomy clouds, and the somewhat late departure are now very insignificant to the adventure we had. We stacked the backpack with, water, snacks, camera, and of course, a thermos to prepare a round of "mate". The National Park is only some 15 min from the city, along the last bit of Ruta 3, which covers the full length of Argentina. 

The first stop we made were right along the shore of the canal.

We navigated to a spot along the canal and found plenty of qualified spots to enjoy a quiet, peaceful and warm round of mate. We were lucky to have the sun shining upon us, with just a cool breeze from the vast open channel, and the impressive mountains on the other side of the water.

I said to my Argentinian friend, "Argentina is such a beautiful country" pointing towards the mountain. As she agreed, I made the point that "they" were actually Chilean, and she turned quiet and somewhat scornful.

Enjoying nature as a metalhead! _\,,/

The beautiful canal and the Chilean mountain chain!

We set off again eager to explore other parts of the park. As the next trail was closed off for any motorized vehicles, we left the bike behind and started to tread onward. I must say it would have been pretty stupid thing to have ridden the bike through here. Although it had been loads of fun, the scenery, all the bright and beautiful colors were meant to be enjoyed on foot!

We found a track, now time for a "siesta"!

At some point, we were hit by a forceful gust, followed by a sudden rain fall, the two persisted for a good hour before finally passing by our heads.

 I think this rain-dance had something to do with what were to come !!

The waterfall, even though it might not have been that impressive, I reminded myself that it is not always the destination, but the journey there that is more important. And, we had had a very good day thus far!

We remained for some time, recharged the batteries, snacked before heading back the way we came. We were getting hungry and there was no more hot water for drinking "mate". - We had taken our time see part of the park, and I´m excited to go back to see the rest! 

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