Monday, March 31, 2014

The Yellow Van & The road to Tortel

The Yellow Van
I was asking myself a few times if a trip to Tortel would be worth the while, since one is not able to cross the Andes range much farther south but has to backtrack some 100 km to the passage Roballo. But since my new found crew in the Yellow Van was going, I could not turn them down. - And Tortel is a truly (remote and..) unique place.

Wait! ...the Yellow Van Crew?? Sorry! Let´s back track! Before I even arrived to Puerto Rio Tranquilo where we all met, I was leaving Cerro Castillo after a coffee in the Bus restaurant. I enjoyed some truly remarkable landscapes I had only been looking at on maps before. I was thrilled to actually see this scenery with my own eyes, places I once thought were too remote and unreachable.

When I arrived to Rio Tranquilo, I encountered some people I had met previously. I hung out with them in that afternoon as they were trying to hitch a ride out south. It was interesting to get a little glimpse of the hitch-hikers life, (not being able to go as you wish, wherever you wish). We played a sesh of hackie-sack, and I really enjoyed a relaxing afternoon!

Now as we were huddling inside the camp owners fire-heated cabin that night, people kept joining our company and we grew to become a joyful group of travellers. As no one had any strict plans of destinations, but a general direction southbound, Will offered some 4 seats in his Yellow Van for people heading south. I myself joined the company, but on my own means of transportation.

The Yellow Van Crew & friends
Although we set out at different times, we easily found each other again in Cochrane farther south. We decided to leave the town behind us and look for a camping spot along the road. After some kms we found the perfect spot just off the road and next to this large, dream-blue lake surrounded by rolling mountains. We were stoked! Without verbal consent, we stopped, had a look around, and enjoyed the late afternoon in an irresistible climbing tree before anything else were to be done.

The Irresistible Climbing Tree

....and of course a mandatory afternoon swim in the beautiful lake
When the sun started to disappear, we quickly built up an impressive pile of wood, started a fire, and sat down to just enjoy this incredible moment in time. Out of sight, our very talented musician was setting up a concert with amp, mic and everything. Unbelievably, we were later enjoying a full-on lake concert in the middle of Patagonia, as the sun was setting across the lake beyond the rolling mountains on the horizon. 
Something I will never forget. 

The Crew

Our Guitar Hero

The festive time lasted long into the early hours of the night, when the impressive pile of wood had gone, the drowsiness finally gripped a firm hold on the joyous spirit, and my awareness of the trip to Tortel made it hard to resist the comfortable sleeping bag. Moreover, a strong wind had found our sheltered spot on the beach, and threatened to blow away anything not tied up properly.

Yes! We had evidently occupied the drinking water for our neighbours across the road, which after an initial attempt to clench their thirst despite our presence, left us alone for the duration of our stay. 

We slept till we woke up, had some individual breakfast, and I even took some time to sit down with some music to write my diary. At one point, it was time to move on, and we broke camp and hit the road. Toward Tortel!!

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