Monday, January 6, 2014

Winter break in Sweden - I brief summary of the trip so far

I planned from the beginning to spend a few weeks in Sweden over Christmas & New Year, and this time has allowed me to let the last three months properly sink in, to regain some lost weight with all the delicious Christmas food, and to plan ahead for my trip to La Patagonia.

So far:
After spending the winter in Santiago 2013, I bought my bike in early September and begun my trip shortly thereafter. I first visited the beautiful Valparaiso before heading north toward the popular beach resort La Serena.

From Santiago to Valparaiso:

Mostly because the summer vacation was far away, there was really no one around, so I spent most of the time out in the beautiful mountains. To rent a car is recommended but not necessary. But Valley de Elqui is a must!

Valley de Elqui:
Observatory at Andacollo:

Punta de Choros is an awarding stop along the coast, where you can see everything from penguins to dolphins on a good day!

The next big stop was San Pedro de Atacama where I spent about a week, and I still have plenty to see. It showcases some of the most amazing nature in Chile.

Northern Chile
San Pedro de Atacama:
The Moon Valley:
The Geysers:

National Park Lauca, is not only stunningly beautiful and a must-see, but also a backdoor to Bolivia. Although, if you are not travelling by motorbike, you may have to wait a loooong time to cross the boarder along with all the trailers.

La Paz is a craazy city to drive in, and I would recommend to avoid this, unless you are an experienced driver and already have booked accommodation. Even if I got very sick in Bolivia, I was very excited to see and experience some of the strong Bolivian culture.

La Paz
La Paz:

I flew up to Lima, primarily because I got sick in Bolivia, but also because I had been warned by several people that driving alone in Peru, especially Lima is dangerous. - I spent about two weeks with a Swedish friend to my family, searching for orchids in the Peruvian mountains. He is an orchid researcher.

My adventure in the Peruvian mountains:
A rememberable day-trip:

Upon my return to La Paz, and recovering again from food poisoning, I began my route southbound, through the stunningly beautiful countryside of Bolivia, toward the famous salt flats of Uyuni. After a day-tour in the vast salt flats, I continued south to the Argentinian border.  

The Salt Flats of Uyuni:
The beautiful Bolivian countryside:

Northern Argentina was a treat! I arrived to Salta the next day, and later had problems leaving this lovely city. I finally had to depart from my friends in Salta, and followed Ruta40 toward Mendoza. The road was in good condition and I very much enjoyed the ride. (Watch out for long thorns on the road, they will get you a puncture!)

Northern Argentina & Salta

Crossing the Andes to Chile was a great ride from Mendoza. The border is at 3,500 m, hence a little bit chilly. After crossing the border, you can enjoy some snakey downward-sloped roads and then an easy ride toward Santiago!

I did make my flight back to Sweden, and soon I will be back in Chile again to continue my journey southward from Santiago! 

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